StreetArt W/o Borders


Never leaving home without our cameras, we couldn’t help but find a large number of artworks from foreign artists (English, German, Dutch, Brazilian…), pasted on the walls in Paris by Urbanhearts. Urbanhearts is actually a street art fans who travels a lot for work and take this opportunity to meet artists and propose them to make their pieces travel with too. His name is Eric and he created an original project called « Street Art Without Borders ».

G. Crackle / USA

He had the privilege to travel around the world and meet great artists. Thanks to this project, artworks are travelling and artists are becoming known all over the world.

This was also a way for artists to try another technique. The ones used to working on stencils, have made collages which are easier for Urbanhearts to travel with and to paste-up on the walls.

These collages are pasted on the walls in cities Urbanhearts has visited.

So some French artists were pasted in Sao Paulo, Cuba… and artists from Brazil, Germany, England, the USA … were pasted on the walls in Paris.

2026 / Australia

Around 230 artists have been pasted from 26 countries (America latina, Asia, Europe, the USA, Russia…) joining the project « Street Art Without Borders ».

GlitaGrrl / Australia

More or less than 1 000 artworks have been pasted all over the world, maybe more because a few artists have been pasted at different times like ZHE155 (from the UK – almost 70 time), Mittenimwald (from Germany – more than 40 times), Tony (from the USA – 36 times), etc…

To easily recognize these pieces, each one is marked by the mention of the project « Street Art Without Borders ».

« StreetArt Without Borders » project

To find them in Paris, know that Urbanhearts loves pasting in the 1st district (boulevard Sébastopol, Châtelet…), in the 4th district (close to Beaubourg, near the Saint-Merri Church…), in the 19th close to the Rue de l’Ourcq and Rue Crimée…

You can find more photos and discover more artists by visiting the FlickR page of Urbanhearts!

Killed / USA

NB : all photos have been taken by StreetLove.

4 commentaires

  1. Mittenimwald et street art without borders … « @necDOT a dit :

    […] politique ou une illustration de la rue et d’amener la curiosité ou la réflexion. Un article intéressant [↩]   Tags: eric marechal, mittenimwald, paris, street art without borders […]

  2. […] Combien d’oeuvres à ton actif ? « J’en ai vraiment aucune idée! Je n’ai jamais conmpté en fait… Mais pour moi ce n’est pas important, tout ce qui compte c’est le bon emplacement » Il est possible de trouver son travail dans les rues de Paris en France, mais aussi en Angleterre, en Allemagne, au Pays-bas, en Italie, en Israël, au Brésil… « A chaque fois que je voyage, je m’arrange pour prendre avec moi des posters, mes pochoirs, et parfois aussi des oeuvres pour du free art. Et quelques personnes sont même assez cool pour coller quelques-unes de mes pièces à ma place. Merci d’ailleurs à Urbanhearts pour son projet Street Art Without Borders » […]

  3. […] Philadelphia, Washington D.C., and Baltimore. Plus, he is about to start doing a bunch of work with Street Art Without Borders so that list is about to expand to new places such as China for […]

  4. […] His art pieces had the chance to travel the world to South America as well thanks to the project “Street art Without Borders” created by traveller Eric Maréchal. We advise you to take a look at the section WORLD on Yarps […]

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