Have you heard about Zebrating Art before? If « yes » let us know how and where!
Zebrating Art is a team of two artists who create outdoor illusions painted on the barred-fence located somewhere on the streets. They are from Mannheim, an urban city in the southwest of Germany.
The artist name they have chosen: « Zebrating » means literally « making the zebra » and describes the technique they use to split the artwork in stripes, like the stripes of a zebra.
They have been involved in street art for about 5 years, originally starting with stencils.
When they’re not « zebrating » they create collages, paintings on canvas, photographs, make stickers… and do some sporty activities outside!
Our main Gallery is the Streets! For us it seems difficult to do Zebrating Art in a Gallery in the form of an enclosed room. But we never know
To promote their artwork, they use, until now, only a Facebook page.
They know about the other communication platforms but the time needed do feed all these websites costs so much time – rather they prefer to spend their time outside of the virtual world… making art or sport! 😉
StreetLove THE ART
Most of their inspiration are forgotten treasures from old Books and Papers.
They love C215(as a street artist), Escher (as a graphic designer), Egon Schiele and Klimt (as painters).
With Zebrating art, they create size XL. Remember it’s a railing… So most of the time the pieces’ dimensions are about 1×2 meters.
Normally, you should find Zebrating pieces in Germany in the following cities:
– Mannheim – 7 pieces
– Heidelberg – 1 piece
– Stuttgart – 1 piece
– Berlin – 5 pieces
« We just started… But we want to move further, to visit more german cities, to travel to other countries to place our art, our Zebrating Art! »
Their pieces normally work alone, but they tried to work on a series in Berlin. Maybe they’ll do more like that. « Art is a never ending process… »
« Basically zebrating have a bit of everything… Our big sticker is created by drawings, stencilling and collages »
Until now, they always work with people, especially faces but as art is a neverending process, they don’t want to go with a predetermined theme.
They do zebrating only on railings, lattices or fences, the ideal support!
To work, they use tools like: paintbrushes, a meter band, glue, painting colours… And every piece is photographed!
How much time do you need to put a work in the street?
Our very first piece took 45 minutes to put it in the street and a lot of sweat. Ever since we can do it in 20 minutes!
Any artistic tips you can tell us?
To be the most unobtrusive – do it by day!!! Do your work self-evident like a craftman!
StreetLove THE FUN
The two artists cannot unify us on the colors choice, so: Zebrating 1 says green whereas Zebrating 2 says orange.
Zebrating Art have been shared on a global scale and it’s easy to find info on many different websites and blogs. It’s amazing to see how Zebrating Art traveled quickly around the world. « Just google us and you will find more than 100.000 entries! »
In terms of music, they love to listen to lounge, reggae and drum’n bass.
3 things that Zebrating crew love in general: Spicy food / Art / Summer thunderstorms.
3 things they hate: Bland food / Intolerance / Pessimism!
A message for the StreetLove team?
Websites like yours are great! Finally, street artists are like any other artists. Through you, they can come out from their anonymity today and can be supported. Thank You! One Love – Streetart!
Photo courtesy by Zebrating Art & Polypix
Je n’avais jamais entendu parler d’eux mais j’aime beaucoup ce qu’ils font!!
Oui je suis d’accord ce travail est assez dingue ! J’aimerai en voir en vrai… à Paris !
😉 😀 J’adore ce duo d’artistes…C’est assez fantastique !!!
C’est vrai qu’ils ont eut une très bonne idée…
Pouvoir exploiter des graphismes sur des grilles offre de nouvelles perspectives au street art, même si y a surement un gros travail derriere, il ya beaucoup de grilles dans les centres-villes.
En plus La grille est un symbol du capitalisme privatisant.
J’aime aussi beaucoup cette idée…
Même si je n’ai malheureusement pas vu leur travail « live » lors de ma visite à Berlin !
[…] as the vertical rails are already evenly spaced to start.According to an interview the duo did for streetlove.fr, their artistic influences include: C215 (another street artist), M.C. Escher, Egon Schiele and […]
fantassstic!!! excellent!
[…] esta entrevista para streetlove.fr, el dúo señala que sus influencias artísticas proceden de MC Escher, Egon Schiele, Klimt y C215 […]
[…] fazla bilgi için Zebrating Facebook sayfası ve bir adet Zebrating röportajı. Fotoğraflar ise şuradan. var dd_offset_from_content = 50;var dd_top_offset_from_content = 40;var […]
[…] Streetlove // Zebrating […]
[…] esta entrevista para streetlove.fr, el dúo señala que sus influencias artísticas proceden de MC Escher, Egon Schiele, Klimt y C215 […]
[…] to an interview the duo did for streetlove.fr, their artistic influences include: C215 (another street artist), M.C. Escher, Egon Schiele and […]
[…] to an interview the duo did for streetlove.fr, their artistic influences include: C215 (another street artist), M.C. Escher, Egon Schiele and […]