As part of the third anniversary of the M.U.R. which happened last week-end, the exhibition of 400ml Project, launched by Gautier Jourdain, passionate about contempory art. This collection assembled 400 aerosols bombs customised by 400 international artists. The title refers to the standard size of european spraycans.
I heard about this project before but I had never seen the bombs exposed… Congratulations to all the artists involved. I love the project so much I bought the book which even allows you to sketch your own bomb… I’m going to think about a cool one for StreetLove!
This project is very strong especially because the spraycan is the emblematic sympbol of street art for both connoisseurs and artists of this movement, even if other techniques are used including collages and stencils.
Bombs were all exposed:
This is a preview of some of the bombs:
BOOK info !
[…] l’occasion de ce vernissage, nous avons découvert l’exposition de Keith Haring, le projet 400ml de Gautier Jourdain, le projet Paint BAL sur lequel je reviendrai bientôt, et bien sûr […]