The street art story

Street Art, comes and goes, for the bad luck of artists and the pleasure of pedestrians.
The misfortune of artists, because their art can last from a few hours to a few months on the walls and for the happiness of people who can imagine different pieces of art, every week-end.

The story of Street Art is very simple:
– Imagine an artist,
– The artist chooses the surface which he prefers, walls most of the time,

The choice of the surface

– He takes all his equipment : bombs, , marqueur pen, glue and brush…

Graffiti bomb

– The artist is creating, giving life to his art,
– The result is amazing, just even in a few minutes…

SBC - Sao Paulo (

You can see here a stencil created for the project « Street Art without Borders » in a little street between Cloitre Saint Merri street and Verrerie street in the Marais, in Paris.

– And one day, all these crazy artworks disappear, the « spaceman » remove all from the walls : it’s time to « anti-graffiti ». So sad!

The anti-graffiti team

– Having stayed for about 7 months, for some of artworks, were all destroyed on Tuesday, the 1st of June, 2010. But in the mean time, we are so looking forward to seeing new ones : the space is now yours, let’s go!

Place Stravinsky's wall - Paris Beaubourg

Once again, a big thanks to all of the artists who act and give life to our streets – StreetLove 🙂

5 commentaires

  1. Salut,
    J´aime les murales et les tags.
    Voilà des belles images
    Elisa en Argentine

  2. Driiine a dit :

    Merci Elisa d’être venue faire un tour sur StreetLove!
    Rejoints nous sur FlickR et Facebook pour rester informée et n’hésites pas à partager tes photos 🙂

  3. Thanks for put a photo of my work here, i´m very glad, hugs

    1. Driiine a dit :

      We are very happy that you found us! Don’t hesitate to contact us if you want that we promote your work on!
      Have a great day!

  4. Thanks a lot Driiine,

    you also could see my another works of graffiti, just see the link below, hugs and thanks for the opportunity.

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